Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pumpkin Party!

So on Monday my hall had a pumpkin party, which means... we make anything and everything that has to do with pumpkins! I decided to make pumpkin cookies! I'm sure someone has discovered this before, but it was a super easy dessert and it tasted absolutely delicious! All I used was a Betty Crocker Pumpkin Spice Cookie mix, followed the direction, and put Pillsbury cream cheese icing on the top! Super simple, cheap, and delicious! Easy peasy for a college student living in a dorm room, who don't have all the things you have in a home! 
Here they are! Not perfect by any means, but delicious all the same!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Welcome to Blogging... Again!

Hello Blogger World!
     I have a previous blog (which I can now no longer access for some reason) but I wanted to make a new one for all my little ideas that I create. Whether it be food, do-dads for the room, or just crafts and ideas for my preschool teaching and elementary tutoring. Every teacher-ed student should have a blog, that way they can remember all their ideas in the future :) Many ideas I get have come from Pinterest, and I will give ownership to others where it belongs :) enjoy!