Thursday, November 29, 2012

Turkey Time in PreSchool

Hello friends!
So, I know it's a little late, but here is what I did for preschool art the week before Thanksgiving! The theme that day was turkey's, and there are TONS of turkey crafts out there! This one, I found out, the kids LOVED! And it was super easy!

Tie-Dye Turkey Craft

- Coffee Filters
- Markers 
- Construction paper
- glue
- water sprayer
- small bucket or container (but big enough to sit the filter in)

1. Let the students (or you can ahead of time) cut out the turkey body, and draw or glue on a beak and eyes
2. let the students color on the coffee filter. Encourage them to fill the whole filter with color
3. Place the filter in a bucket or other container
4. Have the student spray water all over the filter. The colors will begin to blend together
5. Let the filter dry! (Or the colors will bleed through the construction paper)
6. After it is completely dry, glue on the turkey body and you'r finished!

Happy Crafting!

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